The Protection Project

It’s hardly surprising that a growing number of people are looking ahead to their old age to see how they can protect their assets to make sure they can pass them on to their children or loved ones when they die. Many people worry about the rising cost of care home fees and the possibility that there will be nothing left to leave to their families when they die because it will all be spent on care.

A home is many people’s most valuable asset and after working hard to buy your home and pay off your mortgage, it is frustrating and heart breaking to see your home having to be sold to pay ever increasing care costs. Unfortunately, paying for residential care in a care home is expensive but many people have no choice in the matter. If you have income and assets, and particularly if you own a property, you will pay at least part and possibly full residential care home fees (known as self-funding).

Often we get asked if clients should transfer their property into the names of their children and simply give it away. There are many risks with this which could potentially end up in you losing your home to someone other than the person you gave it to e.g. because of bankruptcy, divorce, death etc.

Over recent years, there has been increasing interest in what is often known as ‘Family Asset Protection Trusts’. This type of trust is referred to by many different names such as a Family Trust, Living Trust, Asset Protection Trust, Family Protection Trust but all these different names refer to the same thing. There has been good and bad press surrounding trusts and there is no “one size fits all” answer as to whether a trust is right for you. In the right circumstances, a trust can be a way of making a gift whilst still enjoying the use of the property and protecting property or other assets to pass on to your loved ones in the right way and at the right time for them.

Is a trust right for me?

A trust is not suitable for everyone. It depends on your specific circumstances and that is why you should not proceed without expert advice. The key to good planning is to do it before it is too late. BE PREPARED AND PLAN IN ADVANCE.

It is always a good idea to plan for the future, even if you eventually decide a trust is not right for you. As experienced trust solicitors, we can help you make an informed choice about what is right for you and your family and whether this type of planning is a good option. We provide individual, confidential, no-obligation advice. Call us for a free no-obligation initial consultation.

Why choose us?

  • Advise on whether a trust may be appropriate for you.
  • Advise on the best people to act as trustees of the trust. Advise on who you can include as beneficiaries of the trust.
  • Draft trust documents and complete the formalities to transfer assets to your trustees.
  • Record your wishes and guidance to your trustees to advise them on how you would like them to manage the trust after your death.
  • Review existing trust arrangements to ensure they comply with financial and trust-related legal requirements.
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Clowes & Co Solicitors is a trading name of Clowes & Co. LLP. The list of members of Clowes & Co. LLP can be inspected at 20-22 Leek Road, Stockton Brook, Stoke on Trent. ST9 9NN. Clowes & Co. LLP is registered in England with number OC419724. Clowes & Co Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our SRA number is 645074. The term ‘partner’ if used denoted a member of Clowes & Co. LLP or an employee or Consultant with equivalent standing. This firm does not accept service by fax or email. Copyright © 2024 · Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales with registered number 645074